Campus Facilities And Activities

  1. Computer Lab:

    • The College has a well-equipped Computer Lab with multimedia facility. Students can work independently on PowerPoint projects, Excel spreadsheets, surf the Net and create their own programs or projects. A qualified Instructor is present to aid students in their projects.
  2. Labrary:

    • The College has a well-equipped Library, with over 4,000 books. It is well-lit and spacious, conducive to serious study and research. A well-qualified Librarian and a Library Attendant are always at the counter to assist with locating books and with any other queries. The College also provides inter­ library facilities from neighboring institutions and Universities.
  3. Language/ Multimedia Laboratory:

    • This is a proposed Laboratory where a wide range of equipment, viz, lingua phones and multimedia facility, slide projectors, film projectors, video cassettes and CDs will be there, for teaching purposes.
  4. Laboratories:

    • Science & Math Lab, Art & Craft Lab, Health & Physical Education Lab, Psychology Lab, etc.
      All these Laboratory contains the necessary equipment, material and test paper for the B.Ed. Course.
  5. Teaching Aids Laboratory:

    • Creative and relevant teaching aids are available for student's use. A Laboratory Assistant is at hand to aid students in selecting teaching aids for practice teaching.
  6. Reading And Research Room:

    • The Reading and Research Room is open to the staff and also for guidance of post­ graduate and doctorate students.
  7. Yoga And Meditation:

    • Life in this metropolis is always rushed in; hence, an endeavor to provide a more calm, balanced perspective and a return to the Indian way of life, is made through yoga and meditation sessions for students every morning.
  8. Mini-Gymnasium And Health Cell:

    • A well-equipped Gymnasium and Health Care Centre is available on campus to students, for regular exercise and general fitness.
  9. Photocopying:

    • Students may avail of photocopying facility available on the premises, at the prescribed rates.
  10. Health Club:

    • Activities undertaken are conducting Yoga classes, arranging lectures by experts from the field of psychiatry and medicine to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of the B.Ed. trainees, organizing Blood Donation Camps, Eye Check¬ up Camps etc. A well-equipped First Aid kit is available in the premises to meet any emergency situation.
  11. Book Bank:

    • (Proposed) Added facility of a Book Bank is available to students who may not want to buy text books and other reference books, at a nominal fee.
  12. Canteen:

    • The College has a Canteen facility for the benefit of students, especially those who come from great distances.
  13. Outdoor Games:

    • Badminton, volleyball, Football, Cricket, etc. facilities are available to students on campus.
  14. Auditorium:

    • A spacious, well equipped Auditorium is available for functions, gatherings, conferences, etc.
  15. Ladies Common Room And Gents Common Room:

    • These provide space, where students can relax and gather together for discussion.
  16. Counsulties And Counceling Room:

    • Counseling services are provided to students on campus. Career guidance, vocational guidance and career information are all available to students.
  17. Grievance Cell:

    • At ADITT, we believe in a free and creative atmosphere where students and Staff are encouraged to give of their best. To help students tide over initial hiccups and to provide a platform where problems can be talked out and resolved amicably, there is a Grievance Cell headed by a Staff Member.
  18. Experimental School:

    • : At ADITT, we believe in the application of knowledge and skills. The purpose of experimentation and application of innovative practices is served by the experimental school on our premises.
  19. Literary Circle:

    • The Literary Circle conducts play readings, book reviews, film screenings and related activities.
  20. Ecology Club:

    • This Club explores the possibility of maintaining green spaces, engaging in vermiculture, recycling and such other progressive activities related to the protection and conservation of the environment.
  21. Innovation Circle:

    • The Innovation Circle aims at bringing the Teacher Trainees closer to the profound ideas and philosophical thoughts expressed by great philosophers from time to time through Seminars, Discussions, Dramatization, Symposia, Cine Forum, Visits and Paper Reading Sessions.
  22. Economics Club:

    • Economics Club activities are aimed at bridging the gap between theory and practice by taking the Teacher Trainees to very corridors of business world and economic hub by arranging for visits, field trips and projects.
  23. History Club:

    • The History Club endeavors to unfold the rich cultural heritage of India and the rest of the civilizations from the past through Quiz, Cine-Forum activities, Essay writing, Pageant Show etc.
  24. Science Club:

    • This club explores the scientific skills and brings about an awareness of innovations in Science in the B.Ed. students.
  25. Mentoring Facilities:

    • A Mentor is assigned to each student to assist in tiding over various academic, emotional and personal problems.
  26. Tutorial And Supervised study:

    • Small group discussions, practice in solving question papers, solving classroom problems, are all addressed during tutorial classes.