Our Vision:
  ADITT stands for ... "Joyous, Creative Teacher Education
Our Mission:
To Provide Quality Education for Empowerment and Enlightenment to create a just and humane society and strive to build a world of Faith, Freedom, and Fellowship for God's Greater Glory
Our Objectives:
- To provide creative teacher education
- To provide innovations in teacher education for continuous improvement.
- To develop thinking skills: self-directed and independent thinking.
- To be a resource centre in teacher education:
- Provide extension services.
- Make teaching resources available to member schools.
- Provide educational consultancy services.
- Establish greater presence in academic circles and policy making bodies.
- Greater collaboration with other teacher education colleges
- Greater collaboration with model school.
- Provide a forum for schools to voice their needs and problems.
- To make greater use of educational technology.
- To develop research skills.
- To be more productive through research activities and publication of articles.
- To make teaching-learning an enjoyable experience
- To find out what makes for an enjoyable experience
- To plan events which make teaching learning enjoyable.
- To prepare agents of social change
- Women's issues, environment, non-formal education, etc